114 lines
3.7 KiB
114 lines
3.7 KiB
local task = require("@lune/task")
local process = require("@lune/process")
local fs = require("@lune/fs")
local net = require("@lune/net")
local serde = require("@lune/serde")
print("-- 🟧 Starting pull of latest release...")
type wally_manifest = {
package: {
name: string,
version: string,
registry: string,
realm: string,
license: string?,
exclude: { string }?,
include: { string }?,
dependencies: {
[string]: string,
print("🟧 Fetching github token...")
local github_token: string = process.args[1]
if not github_token then
local env_exists = fs.metadata(".env").exists
if not env_exists then
error("Usage: lune run download-jecs [GITHUB_PAT]\nAlternatively, put the PAT in an .env file under GITHUB_PAT")
local env = serde.decode("toml", fs.readFile(".env"))
local pat = env.GITHUB_PAT or error("❌ Couldn't read GITHUB_PAT from .env")
github_token = pat
print("✅ Got github token.")
--local manifest_contents = fs.readFile("wally.toml") or error("Couldn't read manifest.")
print("🟧 Fetching latest jecs wally manifest...")
local pull_manifest_res = net.request("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ukendio/jecs/refs/heads/main/wally.toml")
if not pull_manifest_res.ok then
error(`❌ Couldn't download jecs manifest: {pull_manifest_res.statusCode} {pull_manifest_res.statusMessage}`)
local manifest_contents = pull_manifest_res.body
local manifest: wally_manifest = serde.decode("toml", manifest_contents) or error("Couldn't decode manifest.")
local jecs_version = manifest.package.version
print(`✅ Got latest manifest. Version: {jecs_version}`)
type gh_api_tag = {
ref: string,
node_id: string,
url: string,
object: {
sha: string,
type: string,
url: string,
print("🟧 Getting tag associated with version in manifest...")
local response = net.request({
url = `https://api.github.com/repos/ukendio/jecs/git/refs/tags/v{jecs_version}`,
method = "GET",
headers = {
Accept = "application/vnd.github+json",
Authorization = `Bearer {github_token}`,
["X-GitHub-Api-Version"] = "2022-11-28",
if not response.ok then
error(`❌ Github api response not ok:\n{response.statusCode} @ {response.statusMessage}\n{response.body}`)
local gh_api_tag: gh_api_tag = serde.decode("json", response.body)
print(`✅ Got associated tag: {gh_api_tag.object.sha}`)
local URL = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ukendio/jecs/{gh_api_tag.object.sha}/`
local function download(path: string, output: string)
process.spawn("curl", { URL .. path, "-o", output })
local function download_list(list: { { path: string, output: string } })
local n = #list
print(`🟧 Downloading {n} files...`)
for idx = 1, n do
local file = list[idx]
print(`Downloading file {idx}/{n} - {file.path} -> {file.output}...`)
download(file.path, file.output)
print(`✅ Downloaded {n} files.`)
{ path = "src/init.luau", output = "init.luau" },
{ path = ".luaurc", output = ".luaurc" },
{ path = "LICENSE", output = "LICENSE" },
{ path = "README.md", output = "README.md" },
print("🟧 Writing pesde manifest...")
local pesde_manifest =
`name = "marked/jecs_pesde"\ndescription = "A minimal copy of jecs intended for adding as a Luau git dependency on pesde projects"\nversion = "{jecs_version}"\nrepository = "https://git.devmarked.win/marked/jecs-pesde"\n\nincludes = ["init.luau", "pesde.toml", "README.md", "LICENSE", ".luaurc"]\n\n[target]\nenvironment = "luau"\nlib = "init.luau"\n\n[indices]\ndefault = "https://github.com/daimond113/pesde-index"`
fs.writeFile("pesde.toml", pesde_manifest)
print("✅ Wrote pesde manifest.")
print("-- ✅ Finished pulling latest release.")